Monday, May 2, 2011

A Tour of the AP English Test

Merriman gives Bromden and Ruby a tour of CFHS's AP Testing events
Bromden: So, is this what school looks like now-a-days?
Merriman: "'Yes, sir.'"  As you can see, students often take the most difficult test at the end of the year, to sum up everything they learned (Wilde, 30).
Bromden: Yes, "'Her face is smooth, calculated,'" and very much concentrating on what she is writing (Kesey, 5).
Ruby: "'I've been working for this [test] my whole life'" but the questions just seem so easy.  Merriman, will you show us some other examples of an AP test? (Currie, 296).
Merriman: "'Yes, miss.'"  But first, I would like to spend some more time watching Hannah over here.  Notice how she never looks up from that paper?  She seems to be concentrating so hard, as are the other students in this room.  During some other tests in other subjects, students care less and do not seem to concentrate as much (Wilde, 24).
Ruby: "'I want to do it.'"  AP tests seem like so much fun, an easy challenge.  Bromden, we should sign up to take one together! (Currie, 296).
Bromden: Hahaha oh Ruby, you make me laugh.
Merriman: Shhh!!!
Bromden: Sorry, Merriman, but I just realized that was "'the first laugh I've heard in years.'" Ruby, are you sure you really want to go through one of these tests? I mean, look at Hannah, she seems really nervous (Kesey, 12).
Ruby: I guess your right, Bromden.  But I hardly feel nervous!
Merriman:  I bet you would during the test, Miss.
Bromden: Yeah, I heard some of the students before the test this morning, they seemed extremely frightened.  Although you are intelligent and would inevitably pass, I suggest we do not sign up for unnecessary stress.
Ruby: Well, I think that makes sense.  No point, it would be a waste of time, and Hannah does seem like this test is one of the hardest things she's done.
Merriman: I hope you enjoyed your tour today, thank you for cooperating.
Ruby and Bromden: Thank you!  

1 comment:

  1. Hannah- I find it to be humorous that Ruby wants to take an AP Exam after taking a tour of the events AP exam week. Like Ruby, I always thought that everything was easy as a kid. I think that is why I never studied for any of my tests and just wrote in my Dream Journal, played jimungo rocks, and climbed trees all of the time! I wish that I possessed the eagerness Ruby displays to partake in an educational endeavour.
